Gentleman, its time to level up your attractiveness game. Are you wondering how to be a more attractive man? Here is a list of the top 15 things women find instantly attractive on a guy. Good news, this list can be done today by anyone.
As you review the list, you will see one thing in common to just about everything on this list.
You Must have well-fitting clothes!
There is no excuse to be wearing baggy, ripped, or ill-fitting clothes. Any guy can rebuild their entire wardrobe with just a few basic pieces so if you have gained or lost a few pounds lately, lets go shopping and get things right again.
If you are just really busy, low on funds, or just hate shopping, no problem. Deals can be found anywhere and shopping online has never been as easy as it is today with the new Amazon wardrobe service.
The Amazon Prime Wardrobe is a service where you can try on clothes you order and only keep and pay for the items that fit you properly. Given that so many manufactures have and use vanity sizing, it is almost impossible to buy clothes without trying them on first and Amazon is making this super easy with this program. Click on the link to learn more.
So what do ladies find most attractive on a guy?
#15 Accessories

Accessories matter guys and this is might be the hardest to get right. Accessories you may like may not be attractive to the ladies so how do you know what you should pick?
My answer is simple. The item should reflect your manliness, successfulness, and have an element of fun to it.
For example, lets play with 3 accessories; a belt, a pocket square, and a watch. Make sure each one will fit at least one of the 3 traits above. Maybe have a little fun with a colorful belt, show your masculinity with a rugged watch, and the pocket square will give an hit of business success.
You can change this around a little anytime. Maybe throw on a Mickey Mouse watch with a black leather jacket. This will give anyone the impression of your manliness (black leather) with an element of fun (Disney watch). You get the picture and have fun with it.
#14 Trendy Tie
I am not a fan of trends and if you have been reading the Gentlemen’s Manual, you will know I teach men to stick to the classics when it comes to clothing. Here is a possible exception. Buying a few trendy ties will not kill the budget and dramatically upgrade your outfit. Well worth the cost for sure.
As a gentlemen, we know how to wear a tie, right? Just in case, here are the 3 simple rules for wearing a tie:
- The knot must be perfect.
- The length will touch the belt buckle
- You will wear a simple tie clip above the jacket button line.
You can easily buy a tie and pocket square together 1 or 2 times a year and always have a trendy tie with a great accessory for about $20.
#13 Fitted Sweater
I love sweaters. I probably have more sweaters then tee shirts and they range from the heavy wool ski sweaters to the very light weight V-Neck dress ones. My favorite is the 1/4 zip button polo style and have more then my share.
One thing all my sweaters have in common. They all fit me perfectly. If it doesn’t fit, I will never wear it and why have it taking up so much valuable space in the closet. Its just not worth it to have anything that you will never use so do yourself a favor and replenish the old, outdated, and unfit clothes today with a fresh look and fit.
Since you are layering with a sweater, its color and style is critical to your look. Stick to the basic colors of black, brown, tan, navy, and gray. If you are a bit of a preppy like me, you will also add some very colorful ones too but only in additional to the basics, not as a replacement to them.
#12 Layering Skills
Layering can be done with more then just your sweaters. You can layer with a great sport jacket, button down shirt over a tee, and even have multiple tees going. Layering allows you to play with the colors which is why having colors that match well together in your closet will save you money in the long run.
When layering, you can do things like the French tuck to show off that really cool belt or add a hint of fun color under that button down. This allows you to level up your fashion game with just one extra piece of clothing. Simple.
When layering with an untucked button up shirt, make sure the length is correct.
#11 Button-Up Shirts
There is probably nothing as versatile as a great classic button up shirt. It fits in perfectly under that $1000 suit, hanging around the house, or as an extra layer when heading to the pool or beach. It works with anything.
Ladies love it because of what it says about you. You are a successful professional.
Remember the rule, fit is everything. If the shirt fits you perfectly, it tells the ladies you are successful. If not, it tells them the opposite.
Here is another area when you must know the rules.
- Shirts must hug your body within an inch.
- Stick to the basics with the coloring.
- Cleaned, pressed, and made of quality material.
- Free of any rips and stains.
The styling is up to you. I love oxford shirts but you can choose anything here you like. In my opinion, the best option is to always go with a custom made (MTM) shirt of good quality. These are easy to find and I would recommend any of the M2M suit companies at the end of the post.
What, custom shirts are not in the budget? No problem, they don’t fit into mine either. Just get a regular shirt from the store and take it to the tailor to get fitted. This usually adds about $10-15 to a shirt so will not break the bank.
#10 Colors Matter, Wear Red
Studies have shows how color advertises your personality and traits to others without using words. There are many studies out there and they mostly say the same thing.
Ladies prefer men to wear Red, then Black, and a close 3rd is blue.
I tend to wear black most of the time and it is very easy to pair black with just about anything when I layer. Wearing red as an accessory or in a layer is super easy.
I recommend when wearing red to use it in a plaid or another mixed pattern. This will make it easier to pair without not being over powering in your classic outfit.
#9 Cologne, Minimal Use ONLY
I read somewhere that clone should be discovered and never advertised. This is the perfect way to know how much you should be wearing. One or maybe 2 light sprays is all you should do and mix things up with several different scents during the week. Variety is great and the ladies love it.
As to the scent, get some help here. If you are in a relationship, ask your girl to go shopping with you and pick something she loves and you like. Remember the purpose of cologne is to attract a lady so pick something that she loves and you will get all the benefits.
#8 Well Fitting Sport Jacket
A sport jacket elevates your game and sends a strong signal of success and class to all ladies. This symbolizes exactly what a lady is looking for in a guy; drive, style, and a plan for their life.
This could easily get expensive because quality sport jackets start at over $100 and can easily go up when you talk about custom fitted ones. Sorry gents, you need to spend the money on this one.
I recommend visiting a bunch of stores and trying on a large array of jackets and understanding the different between the fabric, fit, and quality that can go into a well made jacket. Learn all about suits and jackets by reading and watching you tube videos and become an well informed consumer. Only then can you make sure you will spend your hard earned money wisely.
Once you get an idea on what you want in a sport jacket, the next step is to get your measurements done properly. I recommend going to your tailor and getting it done professionally. Next is to take those measurements to an online suit store and have a jacket made for you in exactly the color, style, fabric, and size you need.
Once you have the jacket, then take it to your tailor that measured you and have it adjusted. Now you have a properly fitted jacket. Total cost, under $200. To save money, just order a navy or gray suit and you can use the jacket as a sport jacket. Not the greatest idea but works great.
#7 Leather Jacket
Gentlemen, no piece of clothing makes a man more manly then a leather jacket. This is a no brainier. Get a leather jacket, any style and color you like.
What, the budget doesn’t support a brand new classic styling leather jacket, there are plenty of ones to be had on eBay for under $20. I bought 3 in the past year (Black, Brown, and a bomber style) all for under $20 each and in great condition.
Speaking of bomber jackets, getting a leather bomber jacket is considered part of a man’s core clothing wardrobe.
#6 Well Fitted Tee Shirt
Tee shirts are as simple and manly as they come. Better said, plain perfectly fitting tee shirts are irresistible to most ladies. Why? Because they are showing off your body. Lets face it, that’s why guys love women in tees too so why would it be any different for the ladies.
This is where having a great body would do wonders on the attraction level. Tee shirts have the ability to show off our muscles and get the ladies really interested. But what if you are not in shape yet. Simple, get in shape.
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Even though ladies don’t rank a guy’s fitness and muscles high on the attraction scale, health and lifestyle is very important to the girls. They want a guy who will can be a lifelong partner and not someone who is a walking heart attack waiting to happen. Also gentlemen, you own it to yourself to get in shape.
Play with colors in your tee shirts. Build the basics with black and white, then branch into blue, red, and dark green. Graphics are OK to do and will add an element of fun. Remember, fit is key so if it doesn’t fit properly, trash it.
#5 Shoes Matter

How important are shoes to a lady? I would rank it as probably the number 1 accessory in a ladies wardrobe. So it makes sense that she will care greatly about your shoes.
Simple, keep your shoes clean, expensive looking, and appropriate for the situation. I love running sneakers but they are for exercising, not for dates. Actually, they are only good for exercise so keep them in the closet when not in the gym.
Fashion sneakers are great, cheap, and can really make your outfit. Nice, high quality leather shoes will go great with a pair of jeans, chinos, or a suit. With that kind of versatility, I think they are worth the extra cost and you should too.
#4 Chelsea or Chukka Boots
A quick visit to Pinterest will show you how great a pair of Chelsea or Chukka boots can improve just about any outfit. The great thing is these are not expensive. I bought a great pair on Amazon 2 months ago for under $30.
Getting a high grade leather is a great idea but will raise the price quite a bit so make sure you love them and plan to wear it a lot. Stick with the classic styling so you can wear them for many years to come and take great care of them.
#3 Well Fitting Jeans and Chinos
Sorry gentlemen, no discount store for these items. Stop buying your pants at Costco, Sears, and BJ’s. When it comes to pants, fit and cut matters so go to a real store and try on several different cuts to get the right fit.
Luckily, I think most men can get everything they need in one store. The Gap. They have been rated by several men’s fashion experts as the place to go to find the best value on well-fitting chinos and jeans.
Now for the best part. The Gap by me routinely has great sales on chino’s and jeans and I often can get a pair for around $25-30. I love the slim athletic cut with stretch fabric and they fit perfectly.
#2 Confidence
Believe it or not, but you can go to the mall and buy yourself a whole bunch of confidence. It’s not cheap but well worth it in the long run.
Head on over and start trying on great, well-fitting cloths and notice how you feel. That feeling is confidence and pride. Every time you wear great clothes, it comes with a healthy dose of confidence.
No one likes a stick in the mud so find yourself a funny and interesting personality. When you want to talk to a lady, make the conversation all about them. Don’t talk about yourself but instead ask her questions allowing them to talk about themselves. This will make you instantly more likable and attractive.
#1 Well-Tailored Suit
Here is the number one way on how to be a more attractive man! Imagine for a minute what will get you all excited about a lady. Imagine her in a sexy red lingerie with curves in all the right places. Does that get your motor running? Well, a well-fitted suit is the same turn on to her as the red lingerie is to you.
We have several choices when it comes to custom fitted suits.
- Off the rack and custom tailoring
- Made to Measure (M2M) with custom tailoring
- Bespoke
We all have ordered off the rack at one point. There are 2 options, buying separates or pants/jacket as one complete order.
Made to Measure is simply getting your measurements first then getting a suit that closely matches those measurements. Then you take that suit to your tailor to get adjustments if needed.
The last way is to go bespoke. A bespoke suit is made completely custom for you and will costs a small fortune but will be exactly what you want and fit you perfectly.
To get the best value, I recommend a Made to Measure suit through a quality online suit maker. Here are just a few you can pick from but remember, you get what you pay for.
Online M2M Companies
- Oliver Wicks: This will get you an extremely high quality, well-made suit, for about $500.
- Indochino: Great suits for about $800 but can get something on sale to visit often.
- iTailor: Great fit, great quality suits for around $200
- Alain Dupetit: Cheap $40 suits but much better fit then what you will get off the rack.
There is a huge difference between the quality of these companies so don’t expect a $40 suit from Alain Dupetit to be of the same quality of an Oliver Wicks (which makes amazing suits). For all of them, you should expect a great fit and demand quality service for your money.
Notice anything with this list? It all gives ladies the impression that you are successful.
The other thing you should notice with the list. Everything must fit you perfectly and be in great shape. No rips or stains allowed.
Being attractive to the ladies is simple and achievable by just about everyone.
What are your thoughts? Do you agree with my list on how to be a more attractive man? Are you a lady and have an opinion on some of these items, I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think. Also sign up for our email list so you can be one of the first to receive notices when I post new articles.